20 Things Before 20
I’m turning 20 next month, so inspired by several blogs of a similar nature, here’s 20 things I learned before 20 in no particular order.
I’m turning 20 next month, so inspired by several blogs of a similar nature, here’s 20 things I learned before 20 in no particular order.
I recently stumbled upon Ben Kuhn’s blogroll.
“The club will never look like this ever again.” - Master Dan Chuang, during debrief of the last official practice of the semester.
The dinner I had with my friend was two months ago.
Growing up in a frugal Asian immigrant household, I was instilled the values of never wasting.
Hey, it’s been a while.
Today I took the train home from school alone for the first time in maybe a month.
“The club will never look like this ever again.” - Master Dan Chuang, during debrief of the last official practice of the semester.
When I was an ambitious sophomore, I looked with an unhealthy amount of admiration, envy, and awe at the LinkedIn profiles of successful graduating seniors, YouTube videos highlighting Regeneron’s latest STS winners, and the bios of previous year’s USABO Finalists among other publicly available online relics of achievement.
This is what I wrote for a question about something I changed my mind about recently (Atlas Fellowship Stage 2):
This is what I wrote for a question about something I changed my mind about recently (Atlas Fellowship Stage 2):
It’s April, the time of the year when all the anxious high school seniors flock to visit the place they’ll be spending the next four years of their lives.
I dance. Specifically, I do a style of performing arts called Flow where we essentially swing lights on tethers (and other such props) in the dark to create elegant patterns and choreography.
It’s been a few years since I read Atomic Habits and since then, I haven’t really incorporated many of its insights into my day to day living.
As I’m brainstorming for my senior portrait for English class, I’m pondering the question of how I got to be the way I am today.
“The club will never look like this ever again.” - Master Dan Chuang, during debrief of the last official practice of the semester.
I dance. Specifically, I do a style of performing arts called Flow where we essentially swing lights on tethers (and other such props) in the dark to create elegant patterns and choreography.
Spending time with friends isn’t valued the same by everyone.
When I was an ambitious sophomore, I looked with an unhealthy amount of admiration, envy, and awe at the LinkedIn profiles of successful graduating seniors, YouTube videos highlighting Regeneron’s latest STS winners, and the bios of previous year’s USABO Finalists among other publicly available online relics of achievement.
When I was an ambitious sophomore, I looked with an unhealthy amount of admiration, envy, and awe at the LinkedIn profiles of successful graduating seniors, YouTube videos highlighting Regeneron’s latest STS winners, and the bios of previous year’s USABO Finalists among other publicly available online relics of achievement.